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What does concept mean?

a general notion or idea; conception. an idea of something formed by mentally combining all its characteristics or particulars; a construct. a directly conceived or intuited object of thought. functioning as a prototype or model of new product or innovation: a concept car, a concept phone.

What is an example of a basic concept?

For example, a basic-level concept would be "chair", with its superordinate, "furniture", and its subordinate, "easy chair". A representation of the concept of a tree. The four upper images of trees can be roughly quantified into an overall generalization of the idea of a tree, pictured in the lower image. Concepts may be exact, or inexact.

What is a'sensing concept'?

According to the theory of ideasthesia (or "sensing concepts"), activation of a concept may be the main mechanism responsible for the creation of phenomenal experiences.

What is an alternative conception of concepts?

An alternative conception of concepts takes concepts to be abstract objects of one type or another. The idea behind this view is that concepts are the meanings (or “contents”) of words and phrases as opposed to mental objects or mental states.

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